Toscana Open Research Ontology

Last update: 20/05/2020

Developed by Toscana region and SIRIS Academic

Integrated within the OntoPiA project by the Agenzia per l'Italia digitale

Table of Content

  1. Namespaces
  2. Graphical notation
  3. Organizations
  4. CORDIS projects
  5. EUREKA projects
  6. CHAFEA projects
  7. Erasmus+ projects
  8. CTN and PRIN projects
  9. MIUR data—Italian scholars (including Assegnisti)
  10. MIUR data—Italian student aggregated data
    1. General Student Data
    2. Students by Citizenship
    3. Students by Diploma
    4. Students by Province of Residence
    5. Students by Region of Residence
    6. Laureati (from, which is no longer available)
    7. PhD (from, which is no longer available)
    8. PhD per Ciclo (from, which is no longer available)
    9. PhD Courses per Ciclo
    1. Alloggi mense
    2. Pasti erogati
    3. Interventi
    4. Spesa interventi
    5. Personale
  12. USTAT—StudentiDati per bilancio di genere
    1. Studenti
    2. Staff
    3. TA staff
    4. Researcher seniority grades
    5. Fields of research and development classification (FORD)
    6. International standard classification of education (ISCED-F)
  13. USTAT—Contributi e interventi
  14. USTAT—Formazione post-laurea
  15. Spinoff Italia
  16. Patiris—Patent dataset
  17. AACT—Clinical trials

Namespaces back to ToC

default namespace

Graphical notation back to ToC

Organizations back to ToC

CORDIS projects back to ToC

EUREKA projects back to ToC

CHAFEA projects back to ToC

Erasmus+ projects back to ToC

CTN and PRIN projects back to ToC

MIUR data—Italian scholars (including Assegnisti) back to ToC

MIUR data—Italian student aggregated data back to ToC

General Student Data

Students by Citizenship

Students by Diploma

Students by Province of Residence

Students by Region of Residence

Laureati (from, which is no longer available)

PhD (from, which is no longer available)

PhD per Ciclo (from, which is no longer available)

PhD Courses per Ciclo

USTAT—DSU back to ToC

Alloggi mense

Pasti erogati


Spesa interventi


USTAT—StudentiDati per bilancio di genere back to ToC



TA staff

Researcher seniority grades

Fields of research and development classification (FORD)

International standard classification of education (ISCED-F)

USTAT—Contributi e interventi back to ToC

USTAT—Formazione post-laurea back to ToC

Spinoff Italia back to ToC

Patiris—Patent dataset back to ToC

AACT—Clinical trials back to ToC