The Tuscany Region invests in the autonomy of young people through Giovanisì, an innovative project unique at national level that presents many opportunities for the under 40 and is structured in seven areas: Internships, Home, Civil Service, Doing Business, Study and Training, Work and Giovanisì+.

The beneficiaries of the project are young people up to the age of 40 and the opportunities are financed with regional, national and European resources (2014-2020 POR ESF- POR CREO EFSR- PSR FEASR programming).

Giovanisì was set up in 2011 with the main objective of fostering the process of transition of young people towards autonomy, through the strengthening and promotion of opportunities related to the right to study and training, the support of paths for the integration of young people into the world of work and the facilitation of start-ups.

With more than 50 opportunities linked to the main dimensions of a young person’s life, coordinated communication and information and an integrated and transversal governance model are the main elements that characterise Giovanisì and have made it possible to offer concrete opportunities to more than 300,000 young people, involving an investment of more than €1 billion.