The graphs show the level of investment by Tuscan universities, divided by thematic area and by programs directly managed by the Commission (FP7 and Horizon 2020).
For FP7, the highest level of participation in terms of number of projects, was in “Information and communication technologies”, “Specific Program”, and “People”, while in terms of percentage was in “Information and communication technologies”, “Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities” and “Health”.
For Horizon 2020, the largest number of projects won came under “Information and Communication Technologies”, “Health” and “European Research Council (ERC)”, but the highest percentage was recorded in “MSCA Specific Support”.

The percentage impact of the funding is the product of the ratio between total funding obtained from the region or institute selected in a given thematic area and the total allocated by the European Union in reference to the chosen area.

(Source: Cordis)