Arthroscopic extruder
The invention relates a tool, new of its kind, to deliver therapeutic substances (e.g., biomaterials, stem cells, etc.) during arthroscopic micro-invasive surgery.
The invention relates a tool, new of its kind, to deliver therapeutic substances (e.g., biomaterials, stem cells, etc.) during arthroscopic micro-invasive surgery.
The invention relates to a system for the localization and magnetic locomotion of an endoscopic capsule within a gastrointestinal tract
The present invention relates to an artificial sphincter for implantation in a urethral canal, in particular for treating patients suffering from urinary incontinence.
The invention is able to reduce the speed of the foot and store its energy in a group of springs: in this way, the body can freely continue its movements without further interaction with the exoskeleton.
The invention is a tool installed as cap to the tip of an endoscope. The cap contains a teleoperation robot with 2 arms which the surgeon/endoscopist can control with an ergonomic console.
The invention is such as to provide an internal component and an annular component to this external one. The external component can have a stator role and the internal one a rotor role, or vice versa.
This patent is focusing on an artificial heart muscle, an innovative artificial device able to replicate the natural human heart functionalities.
The patent is related to an exoskeleton for the guidance and assistance of flex extension movements of fingers and cylindrical objects grasping.
The object of the present invention is an under-actuated robotic hand with possible prosthetic application as well, i.e., a myoelectric hand having a number of actuators less than the number of degrees of freedom and capable of reproducing the movements of a human hand.
The present invention relates to a device for detecting the position and movement of a human limb comprising a plurality of sensory units connected to at least one coordination unit which manages the data coming from the sensory units and timers their flow.