Regione Toscana

MoMiLab Neurosciences Lab

Designing and monitoring new learning models; creating solutions for improving the well-being of employees; psychometric and neurometric analyses for creating either inbound or outbound effectivecommunication strategies; psychometric analyses of personality traits, leadership, and social interactions oncompany personnel aimed at creating [...]

2023-05-18T14:59:11+00:0023 July 2021|

Method for geometric calibration of cone-beam tomography equipment and equipment implementing that method

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a method for geometric calibration of a cone-beam tomography equipment, in particular CT or pinhole-SPECT, that derives the misalignment parameters from the scan data of a generic object, thus without resorting [...]

2021-06-18T06:36:54+00:0018 June 2021|