Anti-collision for smart vehicles based on Visible Light Communication (VLC)
The invention concerns a collision avoidance system at road intersaction based on the Visible Light Communication Technology.
The invention concerns a collision avoidance system at road intersaction based on the Visible Light Communication Technology.
The invention concerns a vertical barrier of UVC rays, interposed between people in a static position.
The invention is about a new magnetic plug and socket group, alternative to the Schuko socket, that it does not require a predefined plug direction.
The present invention concerns the field of localization and support for the "intelligent" navigation of people in closed environments. Thus, it is particularly aimed at blind or visually impaired people
The auto-localization system of RFID Robots in indoor environment (AURORA) is a low-cost, reliable and scalable system, which allows robots or other mobile devices to self-locate in an indoor scenario using passive UHF band RFID tags placed at known locations.