Kinematic chain for flexion-extension
This industrial patent proposes an apparently simple geometry (a degree of freedom) capable of arching by moving the center of instantaneous rotation of the end effector as a function of the input angle
This industrial patent proposes an apparently simple geometry (a degree of freedom) capable of arching by moving the center of instantaneous rotation of the end effector as a function of the input angle
The invention consists of a ground-based synthetic aperture radar capable of acquiring both three-dimensional and two-dimensional images
The patented invention implements an interconnected and intelligent sharing mechanism of batteries and no more than means, guaranteeing the same benefits of current sharing systems but also ensuring the use and optimal recharging of the batteries exchanged between users.
The invention refers to a method of processing interferometric image radar data, acquired in multi-pass configurations, for the detection and analysis of multiple components of non-stationary radio backscatter at different altitudes and/or displacement speeds.
The invention relates to a process for controlled functionalization of a polyolefin in the presence of radical reaction initiators.
Econometric analysis for administrative databases
Industrial organization, international economics, and corporate finance.
Optimization, machine learning and game theory in the economic, industrial, environmental, medical fields
Designing and monitoring new learning models; creating solutions for improving the well-being of employees; psychometric and neurometric analyses for creating either inbound or outbound effectivecommunication strategies; psychometric analyses of personality traits, leadership, and social interactions oncompany personnel aimed at creating [...]
The patent makes it possible to achieve a mechanical coupling between vehicles in order to guarantee the safety and operation of a convoy of up to 10 vehicles capable of circulating as if it were a single vehicle.