Regione Toscana


Molecular Biology Lab

The research group is concerned with the study of the molecular mechanisms of angiogenesis (in neovascular retinopathies and tumors ) and tumor development . Within the group there is also an active line of translational research aimed at the development of bioactive molecules with anti angiogenesis and anti tumor functions.

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Ultrastructural & Functional Morphology

The resarch activities are dealing with high resolution electron microscopy studies on the functional morhology of eukariotic cell organelles with particular focus on cell motility and control of the cell cycle.

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Evaluation of the biological activity of extracts and bioactive compounds of natural origin in the inhibition of inflammation and related pathologies

The research activity is focused on basic research projects based on the ONE HEALTH principle . The activity mainly aims to evaluate the benefits for human health of compounds extracts of ornamental plants or foods with particular attention to the principles of local biodiversity and bioeconomy

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The research activities of the BioStructLab are focus on gene manipulation by recombinant DNA technique, production of biological macromolecules ( RNA and DNA), and structural characterization by structural biology techniques The

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The research group is focused on two key areas, synthetic organic chemistry and computational chemistry, which are highly complementary and in complete synergy with each other. the research group is interested in the development of new chemical methodologies in the medicinal chemistry context and in the study of the interaction between the drug and its macromolecular target

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