Regione Toscana


Method and device for the implementation of polymeric microstructures composite and not polymeric microstructures composite and not so obtained with micro and nano internal architecture called

The patented invention relates to techniques for fabricating composite polymer microstructures and not applicable to the field of Textile Engineering.

2024-10-25T13:41:19+00:0020 July 2022|

Micro-fabrication method of polymer structures for scaffolding for tissue regeneration and biosensor development

The patented invention relates to the micro-fabrication of imprinted polymeric structures with well-defined geometry for the fabrication of bioactive scaffolds. The scaffolds can be used both as substrates for the study and fabrication of functional tissue substitutes and as biosensors.

2024-10-25T13:41:19+00:0020 July 2022|

Method implemented by means of a computer for determining retention times and concentration values of analytes in a mixture

The present invention relates to the automation of data interpretation from a chromatography analysis, such specifically the retention times and concentration values of analytes in a mixture.

2024-10-25T13:41:22+00:0019 July 2022|